Sunday, December 6, 2015

Social Networking

Hey Irie Bloggers,
Today we will be talking about social media and corporations. More businesses are recognizing their need for social media every day. However, there’s more to it than opening an account and posting on it. Social networks are the first avenue that consumers take to connect with you. If they believe you don’t care about them, they won’t make the effort to reach out. Social media is not only for communicating with consumers, but also with other businesses. This mode of engagement is on the rise and the consumers love seeing cross brand interaction. It’s not easy to strike the right balance between taking a conversational approach to social media and still promoting your product or service, but the payoff is so worth it. Among other benefits, good customer relations on social can make your company stand out to consumers as a leader in your industry and double your potential sales leads. So now you see social media is not just for communicating with friends but to also network with people to build a brand or business. developing a strong network via the internet to help your business flourish without having to do much blitzing and physical networking . Smart, if you might ask me. Well until next time Irie Bloggers, Walk Good!

Read more also here:

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Check out Social Networking sites

'Howdy do' and welcome to another blog session, today we will be looking at three social networking sites; Facebook, Myspace and YouTube. The thing about both of these online community programs is that they can be used to get your information to family and friends. They are both good programs for meeting people. Though, when you compare the two, you see there are some real differences. Below are a few comparisons about these two programs:
  • Myspace is an online community that has several options open for sharing information, posting pictures, adding your own music and videos and much more. There is more of an entertainment-based interface being used.
  • Facebook uses a cleaner more basic interface that has options for posting pictures, information, and stories in addition to other learning information. There is not a great deal of hype and the overall look is basic, not flashy. 
  • Myspace is targeted to many different age levels. Myspace has users that are from different ages and backgrounds.
  • Facebook is targeted to the college age levels. In fact this was started specifically as a Harvard Student used tool.
  • Myspace has been around for many years, and has a great deal of information, tools, and layouts that have been updated. They are in the full swing of the full function of this online community program.
  • Facebook is relatively new to the public. The layout leaves a person able to find what they need without a great deal of information. However because this is a younger program, there will still be plenty of steps to go before it is complete.
  • Myspace can look pretty much however you like. There are many layouts, generators and other graphics that are set up to work within the Myspace environment.
  • Facebook has a basic look, and does not appear to be changing that at this time. However, you never know what the future holds.
  • Myspace has places for slide shows and other picture options.
  • Facebook has nice picture album setups.
  • Myspace has places for blogs, information, etc.
  • Facebook has places for blogs, information etc. However, there is also a running history of changes that have recently occurred. This is nice for friends and family to be able to see what changes have been made.
  • Myspace leaves some open issues for unwanted eyes. However there are ways to block all but family members and friends from seeing the private information on your Myspace site.
  • Facebook has some information available for viewing. However a request must be sent in all cases for new friends etc. to be added to the friend list.
  • Myspace has more information showing, if you do not make your settings private. The problem with this is that there are many people who do not make this setting and can be very surprised with the unwanted spam they will get.
  • YouTube has a wide range of videos and unlike Facebook,  you can subscribe to these different pages to continue seeing similar videos.
  • You can like, unlike and comment under the videos even  if you don't have an account
  • You can share the videos to your other social networks
Image result for youtube and facebook comparison

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The next new thing

Hey Irie Jammers,
I will be talking to you about the next new thing. A social media site that allows you to video talk however, this will be mmuch more than skype , facebook video or even oovoo.  This new technology will allow you to video talk with someone however, you would see a hologram and it would be more personal and interactive. Distance would not matter either and you can contact anyone, anywhere as long as they too have this new media which comes with an app. You can also see body movements of the person as though they were sitting beside you.
Now isn't that interesting? well its definitely one to look out for as I cant wait to Hologram talk with my friends in the Caribbean.
Well until next time, walk good my friends!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Advice to Brooklyn College

Hey Irie Jammers, 
Being a Brooklyn College student has been a real experience for me. It is much more to it than going to class and getting work done like any other semester. For me Brooklyn college seems to be lacking in certain areas where utilizing New media is concerned. Maybe lacking is an overstatement as I have had classes that utilized online resources such as schoology and other online sources that comes along with the books. I would love however, for Brooklyn College to utilize YouTube more to aid different classes. By doing this it would be much clearer with some courses in terms of explanation of the topics especially for large classes and difficult subjects. I would love to see Brooklyn College make more use of their Facebook pages and also social media such as Instagram for advertisement purposes. There are so many things happening on campuses that is not properly advertised. By doing this and having all students sign up and follow them on these social networks would create a better student/school relationship.
There are many extra curricular activities are held on campus however, they inform you via emails to the school's email or posters plastered around campus. I think that if these activities were advertised more on the school's social media page it would have more impact on the students as the support would be greater. I also think if there were more tutorials on how to do different student transactions, would make life a whole lot easier for us as students.
Well I hope these suggestions fall on good ears. until next time, walk good!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

New Media & Society

Hey Irie Bloggers,
Today we will be talking about what has been some of the effects of new media on society. Well there are different ways in which new media affects the society as it affects the social, political, and economical aspects of society. But, being more personal, new media affects us as humans and people in both positive and negative ways. For example new media affects how we engage as it affects the human attention span, specifically when individuals engage in multitasking.
Rampant use of electronic media has a negative impact on memory and reasoning.
Face to face interaction is becoming less and causing attention deficits.
Difficult to understand or interpret what a person's intentions of messages are.
Promotes Bullies because they are unable to read the victim's  non verbal cues and the behavior will continues since they are unaware of the consequences.
New media also affects how we socialize as now we are more into technologies and communicating via that forum than regular person to person talking. It is also good for communicating with people we have not seen or heard from in a long time through a social media site however, it we were to see the person face to face we probably would have less of a conversation with them, Isn't this odd? you have been reading my blog posts and getting to know different things each time but you have no idea who I am face to face. My characteristics or traits, you are just left to accept what I portray. Well this is the effect new media has on us.
I hope this was eye opening to you as it was to me, until next time, Walk Good! 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Privacy and confidentiality

Hey Irie Bloggers,
Today we will be talking about the issues of privacy and confidentiality and how it relates to social media. Well in pointers there are different concerns associated with privacy and confidentiality when it comes to social media these includes:
  • Identity theft
  • sexual predators
  • stalking
  • unintentional fame
  • online victimization
  • surveillance
  • location updates

Well these are just a few issues facing privacy and confidentiality of social media, you are actually put at risk of having these problems when you sign up of any social media network. You do not really know a person's true intention as you can only see what they portray as far as their profiles are concerned. There might be serial killer, pedophiles and so on behind these fancy profiles, you just have to be careful who you share your information with and how you do so. Think about these things and until next time, Walk Good!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Modeling reality with virtual words

Good Day Irie Bloggers,
Today we will be talking about virtual worlds. Now one might ask, what are virtual worlds well,
Virtual worlds are three dimensional environments in which you can interact with others and create objects as part of that interaction. How do you do that? You appear as an avatar in the virtual world: an avatar is a virtual representation of you (a ‘virtual ego’) which can take on any shape or form as you so wish.
There are a range of virtual worlds to choose from which include fantasy, sport, historical and science fiction. Some are loosely based upon the real world but others such as fantasy worlds are as the name says: they are completely disconnected from the real world which is also part of their attraction.
With virtual worlds, men appear as women and vice versa. Some people choose an animal as their alter ego. Whatever you choose the aim is to socially interact with other people in new and exciting ways. This all adds to the experience.
You can communicate with another person using text, sound, graphical images and gesture. Some of the more advanced worlds allow you to use voice or touch.

Examples of virtual worlds

There are several types of virtual worlds which include:
  • Second Life (most popular)
  • The Sims
  • Active Worlds
  • Kaneva
  • IMVU
The common theme with many of these worlds is the ability to meet, chat and interact with other people. Every world must continue to exist even when someone has left and any changes made by a person should remain in place.
Some but not all of these virtual worlds allow multiple users.
Games are an obvious use of these environments but they are not limited to this. Virtual worlds have been used in other ways such as education and research. One such use is a ‘virtual classroom’ which is based upon interaction and allows students to try new things in a safe environment. Well I hope I was informative in shedding light on this, until next time Irie Bloggers, Walk Good!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Hey Irie Jammers, you all know by now that I love all things Caribbean, well take a look at the link below of what I edited and contributed to on Wikipedia. Enjoy!!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Old Versus New

Hey Irie Jammers, today we will be talking about Old vs New Media, lets get right into it.

Traditional Media can be explained as TV, radio, direct mail, billboards, etc. It is an “push” strategy, meaning the message is being output by the business. It is a one-way, direct message that can be costly, yet instantly impactful. Traditional media is gauged by short-term results.
New Media can be explained as social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), search engine marketing, search engine optimization, blogs, etc. It is a “pull” strategy, meaning it is conversational between consumer and business. It is interactive and inexpensive to campaign, and it can yield measurable progress. New media is gauged by long-term results.

Traditional Media
  • One to many communication
  • Mass marketing that’s not targeted
  • Monologue message
  • Focuses more on branding than communication
  • Supply side thinking
  • Customer as a target
  • Segmentation
  • Mainly offline techniques
  • Aims at mass awareness
  • Doesn’t use many insights or data for decision making
New Media
  • One to one or many to many communication
  • Personalized, mass customization and targeted
  • Dialogue
  • Focuses more on communication than branding
  • Demand side thinking
  • Customer as a partner – CRM, feedback
  • Communities
  • Predominantly online techniques used
  • Awareness created through targeting
  • Uses customer insights and data to help with marketing strategies and decisions 
Promotes              Greater             Attention               Spans                                                   ...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Blogs Versus Wiki

Good Day Lovelies, today we will take a deeper look into Blogs vs Wikis. Before we jump right in, how was everyone's weekend. I sure hope it was good. Now, do you know what are blogs and Wikis? and how do these differ?. Lets take a look:

Blogs contain posts, sometimes similar to journal entries, from a person or a group. The posts are dated and listed in reverse chronological order. People can comment on posts as well as provide links to related sites, photos, and blogs.Blogs can enable an organization to quickly share information among employees, partners, or customers. People can add insight to a difficult subject area, provide inspiration and guidance, or explain a new guideline or procedure. For example, members of the Adventure Works Marketing team use a blog to present and collect feedback on strategic ideas and to recognize employee achievements.

By encouraging readers to post comments, people can also find out what their readers think about a given subject.
Blogs can be created on a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site by using simple formatting tools that are available in Web browsers that support ActiveX controls, such as Windows Internet Explorer. You can also use some common authoring tools, such as Microsoft Office Word 2007.
Blog readers can subscribe to RSS Feeds so they can stay updated on new posts or comments.

A wiki is a Web site that enables users to collect team knowledge, plan events, or work on projects together. People can easily add new content or edit existing content.
1. Links to existing pages
2. Links to pages that can be created later
People need only a Web browser and permissions to the wiki site — they don't need special tools or knowledge about creating sites. People can quickly add to existing pages and easily create links to new pages.
Links in a wiki can even be created before the pages are actually created. For example, a team member may think that a subject needs related information but not have time to create a new page right away. The team member can create a link that can be turned into an actual page later by following the link and adding content to create the page.
Versions are enabled for wiki pages, which means that a version history is created that shows how the content evolves. You can see who changed the content and when it was changed, and even roll back to a previous version if a mistake is made.

Differences between blogs and wikis

Although blogs and wikis can help your team collaborate without advanced tools or specialized knowledge, there are differences in how your team can use them:
Blog posts are typically written by a specific group of people who provide information and insight, such as managers, technical experts, or people with unique viewpoints or writing styles.
In some blogs, the role of the people creating the blogs, often known as bloggers, is important. For example, managers can use a blog post to explain the reason behind some policy changes, team members can describe their experiences on a special project, or technicians can describe best practices or how something works in their own words.
The blog posts and comments are recorded in reverse chronological order. People can scroll through the posts, similar to reading a journal.
Teams usually write wikis as a collective process. After someone creates a page, another team member may add more content, edit the content, or add supporting links. The community of authors helps to ensure the accuracy and relevancy of the content.
Wikis continue to evolve as people add and revise information. Although a version history is collected, and the history is organized in chronological order, the versions aren't displayed in journal style in the default view of a wiki.
Your team may want to use a wiki to build a collective body of knowledge or to facilitate planning, such as for a team project, a publication, or a conference.
For example, the Adventure Works Marketing team uses a wiki to help newly hired staff members get started quickly. As team members run across additional resources or have additional advice to relay, they add the links and information.
Image result for blogs vs wikis

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Describe New Media

Good Day Irie Jammers! and welcome to yet another Jiggy blog session!
Today we will be taking a deeper look into New Media and what type of technologies are apart of new media. Now as explained in the previous blog, New Media most commonly refers to content available on demand through the internet' accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative participation. Common examples of new media include websites such as online newspapers, blogs, or wikis, videogames, and social media. If you think about it, it’s pretty obvious that traditional media provides value through subsidizing content through free TV and radio programs, lower-cost magazines, and chances to win prizes.  However, in exchange for this content or other value, we ALLOW advertisers to interrupt our day to tell us about their products. The difference is that social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. are already FREE.  So, advertisers can’t expect us to allow them to interrupt us with commercial messages.  I mean, face it, no one really LIKES commercial! 
So, the key to making social media work is to provide some other type of value,  whether it is entertainment, information, support, or other types of rewards in exchange for hearing your commercial message.   
Lets look at how we distinguish new media from old media.

Social Media
Two-way conversation
Open system
One-on-one marketing
About you
Brand and User-generated Content
Authentic content
FREE platform
Metric: Engagement
Actors: Users/ Influencers
Community decision-making
Unstructured communication
Real time creation
Bottom-up strategy
Informal language
Active involvement
Traditional Media
One-way conversation
Closed system
Mass marketing
About ME
Professional content
Polished content
Paid platform
Metric: Reach/ frequency
Actors/ Celebrities
Economic decision-making
Controlled communication
Pre-produced/ scheduled
Top-down strategy
Formal language
Passive involvement

Saturday, September 12, 2015

What is New Media?

Greetings and welcome to Ramona's 'Irie' blog world. Today we will be talking about New Media, now I am pretty sure you are wondering what that is. Well New Media most commonly refers to content available on demand through the internet' accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative participation. Common examples of new media include websites such as online newspapers, blogs, or wikis, videogames, and social media. A defining characteristic of new media is dialogue. New Media transmit content through connection and conversation. It enables people around the world to share, comment on, and discuss a wide variety of topics. Unlike any of past technologies, New Media is grounded on an interactive community. New media is both replacing and enhancing old media with new technologies. You can watch TV on a laptop and stream videos that you actually want to see rather than watching regular TV broadcasts. The cell phone is now your 'go to' man for latest information, news, reports, and broadcasts. Also to communicate with people via social network, video talk with people miles away; you name it. This highlights the main point that the internet plays an important role in New Media, and this is seen in Virginia Heffernan's article as she states in an example that magazine decor used to make readers feel protected, at ease and thus receptive to advertising. However, while being online we build 'lean-tos' from whatever is around, often relying on the artless scaffolding supplied by search engines and browsers.

Image result for new media